Okay, here's the dish of the day. Today I went younger. A lot younger. This kid is young enough to be my kid but that doesn't stop him from being hot. Plus he shares my birthday, albeit 19 years apart. Most know him from his role as poor Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Today's Dish of the Day is: Robert Pattinson.

Thanks to BiW and Abbadon for not laughing at me.
I see nothing funny about a friend in need.
I'll save the laughter for the good times. And they are coming, whether you can see that right now or not.
Cradle robber...
Nothing to laugh about.
But if you need a call placed to some 'freinds of mine' to help with that problem...just let me know.
Cradle robber...
Yeah. What he said.
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