Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Cat Lady

Okay, so I've resolved never to date again. Or at least not in this decade. From what I've seen, the pickings are slim and quite frankly, I don't know who's lying and who ain't. I put in real information because it never dawned on me to make one up (which is what I should have done). Like Tammy Trailertrash or something. Anyway, at the risk of sounding like a cold-hearted snob, if I say I'm a lawyer making between $100 & $150k per year, what are the odds I'm going to talk to some cowboy-looking dude out in BFE who's looking for a "good woman who ain't into head games?"

So my research has afforded me the following: my STBX is a lying sack of hamster crap (yeah, duh), there are more desperate people than ever before, and I could get a date tomorrow if I'd just lowered my standards. However, lowering my standards is why I have two idiots for former spouses. Like I said, I'll be the little old crazy lady who talks to her cats.


Deadman said...

what are the odds I'm going to talk to some cowboy-looking dude out in BFE who's looking for a "good woman who ain't into head games?"

Can we revisit this question after six months of edvening TV and Stouffer's For One dinners?


Kidding! Really! You're a catch. Maybe you just need some practice at pitching yourself...

Folly said...

Pitching myself? Like off a bridge or a cliff?

And there's nothing wrong with Stouffer's, though I prefer Lean Cuisine.

Deadman said...


Hey, what's for dinner? I'll be right over.
