Tuesday, July 15, 2008

StubsPub Update

So today I get a bizarro email from Match.com that said:

Date received: July 15, 2008
Subject: just out of curiosity

how is the search going?

And it was signed with Bud's real first name so I thought it was Bud. I sent the poor man a text message saying, "I'm not searching for anything." So he calls 'cause he has no idea what the hell I'm on about and I said, "You didn't send me an email from Match.com that said 'how's the search going?" Of course he said, "No, I'm not even at home and wouldn't go on that site." So now I think, "Okay, Spud is playing games," cause most of these emails are the, "Oh you're cute," variety and not something like that. So now I look totally hamster mental to Bud which totally stresses me out even more 'cause I think I'm going nuts.

So Bud, being Bud, called Spud and essentially threatened him within an inch of is life that if he's posing as him that was it. Of course Spud denies not only that but that he even has a profile called "StubsPub." What do you know that the profile under "StubsPub" is now gone. Go figure. Yes, it's driving me nuts. However, I printed off the profile before it was deleted.

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