Monday, July 7, 2008

Divorce, Brinkley Style

Anyone else following the Christie Brinkley divorce spectacle? Brinkley filed for divorce from Peter Cook (no, not the British comedian) after being told of her husband's affair with an 18 year old girl. Who told her about it? The girl's dad, who is a cop. Keep in mind, Mr. Cook was 47 at the time. He also paid the girlfriend $300k in hush money in addition to giving her money to buy a new car.

Along with that little revelation came the story of Mr. Cook's fondness for porn. To the tune of $3k a month because he claimed that was the only way he and Brinkley could get in the mood. Now, I'm sorry but Christie Brinkley is still a beautiful woman at 52 and if you can't heat her up that's your fault. Never mind the fact that this pathetic excuse for a man was also cruising pickup sites looking for "good-looking girls who are young and fit." That just makes me want to say, "Eewwwwwww."

Of course, his attorney is whining about what a great actress Brinkley is and how this doesn't need to be out in public, blah, blah, blah. I guess his client should have kept his pants zipped. He brought it on himself by acting like an idiot and chasing girls.

I guarantee you that if mine goes to trial, it will look surprisingly similar to the Brinkley saga. Minus the porn 'cause I don't know if he was into that or not.


Deadman said...

"good-looking girls who are young and fit."

Fit WHAT, exactly? Never mind, i don't want to know...

Sorry, I'd take Brinkley at 52 long before I'd boff a twenty-something (if i was so inclined).

What a dork.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

Why do I think I don't want to see the headlines if yours goes to trial?

KurtP said...

$3K a month in internet porn?
Jeezzz why doesn't he just look where all the anti=porn crusaders surf, they see plenty (for free) every time they click a mouse.