Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things I Don't Give a Rat's A$$ About....

The news is just annoying the crap out of me these days. It really is. My kids have been gone for nearly a month and I've had the TV on exactly 3 times. Twice it was to see how severe the weather was. I now skip a lot of the news on the Internet because they rehash the same story about 15 times. So here are the news items that has everyone talking and that I don't give a rat's ass about:

1. Gay Marriage. Who the hell cares? Really? It's not like they'll all live in marital bliss the rest of their lives because they're gay. They'll be miserable and broke like the rest of us and then it won't seem like such a great idea. Kinda like when we women fought for our right to work outside the home. Now we're expected to do that PLUS take care of the home. Who got the better end of that deal? That's right, the men.
2. Tim Russert. He anchored a show on PBS. Why are they treating him like he's the modern Edward R. Murrow? The only thing missing was his body lying in state in the Capital rotunda. Enough already.
3. Obama and McCain. Can we just have the election now? Why do we even have Conventions? Oh that's right so the Dems can get hookers and the Republicans can get...well...whoever.
4. Torture of detainees. Who cares? These aren't Sunday School teachers. These are terrorists who took up arms to kill US civilians and military members. At least we didn't cut anyone's head off on live television....slowly...with a knife....
5. NBA playoffs. Did anyone outside LA and Boston even watch? Oh and I guess the Lakers blew it and the Celtics won.
6. Dumbass Lawsuits. First there was the lady and the coffee. Then it was the judge and the $50 million pair of pants. Now it's some 52 year old woman suing Victoria's Secret because her thong snapped and hit her in the eye. Why did she have her face down at her crotch? I use a mirror to make sure my stuff is where it needs to be in a pair of panties. BiW has a great post on this over at his site.

1 comment:

Deadman said...

The crowd entering the Kennedy Center heard music from Russert's iPod, including "Free Bird."

I'd like to dedicate "Free Bird" to all the dead people of '08, man!

A friend of mine actuially called me when he heard the news. For just that reason. I was like, "Oh, that sucks" out loud, but thinking "Why did this warrant a special phone call???