Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday's WTF?

Here it is. Another edition of Friday's WTF? Lots of stories this week, including one near my neck of the woods.

1. Two girls murdered near Weleetka, OK. Who the hell would gun down an 11 year old and a 13 year old who were walking along a dirt road? Apparently, two psychos because there were 2 different caliber bullets found in the victims (both shot multiple times in the face and chest). Dollar says they interrupted a drug deal.

2. Moms Turn Sleepover into Sex Party. Ladies (and I use that term loosely), what the hell is wrong with you that you decide to have sex with a 14 year old? Go find yourself a man over the age of 18, for God's sake and leave the children alone.

3. Susan Atkins May Be Released From Prison. We all remember this charmer, who at the age of 20, stabbed Sharon Tate to death. Apparently, Charlie Manson's top lieutenant is dying and they're trying to get her released. Nice of the state to show her the mercy she never bothered to show her victims.

4. Cedar Rapids Under Water. How long will it be before the environmental nuts start blaming the Great Flood of 2008 on global warming?

5. Tornado Kills 4 Boy Scouts. I'm not sure what's going on in Iowa. Truly a sad tale. I guess no one checked the weather? Oh and this leftist blog IS blaming global warming for the deaths of these scouts.


sig94 said...

If California penal system is anything like NY's, it costs $36K to house a prisoner who has no special needs. Throw in cancer treatment and CA DOCS prolly wants her ass gone so DSS can house and feed her and medicaid can pump her ass full of chemo. Could be that she's a short term goner and no one gives a flying hoot where she croaks.

But I think they will hold on to Charlie for a bit longer. They'll freeze dry his ass and use him as a planter in the visitor's cener.

Deadman said...

Not so, Sig94:

The corrections department must approve the request before it is passed to the state Board of Parole, which has the power to release terminally ill inmates under California state law so they can die with loved ones, at their expense.

Such releases are relatively rare — only 10 of 60 requests made last year were granted, Thornton said. The prisoners must have family members willing and able to care for them.

Saves the State of California all the way around. I say, let the bitch out.