Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday's What the Hamster?

Well, my week sucked. My joints are killing me, my boss is an ass, and I'm not sure if I'm getting a home loan as previously thought. However, it IS Friday so let's talk about the news.

1. Bailout for Banks. I see the GOP is listening to its constituents and balking at the mortgage welfare program. I have yet to meet a single person who thinks this is a good idea. Let them fail. It's called free market. I blame Clinton who thought everyone deserves to own a home. No, only people who can afford a home deserve one. Oh and the greedy banks and dumbass borrowers.


3. Paulson Bows Before Pelosi. You have got to be kidding. When the Dems walked out the bank bailout negotiations yesterday, the former Goldman Sachs CEO even went down on one knee as if genuflecting, to which Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) is said to have joked, “I didn’t know you were Catholic.” A beleaguered President Bush had to struggle to maintain order and reassert himself. And when Democrats left to caucus in the Roosevelt Room, Paulson pursued them, begging that they not “blow up” the legislation. Unbelievable. But wait, there's more:

It was McCain who had urged Bush to call the White House meeting but Democrats made sure Obama had a prominent part. And much as they complained later of being blindsided, the whole event turned out to be something of an ambush on their part—aimed at McCain and House Republicans. “Speaking professionally,” said one Republican aide, “They did a very good job.”

When Bush yielded early to Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D- Nev.) to speak, they yielded to Obama to speak for the assembled Democrats. And it was Obama who raised the subject of the conservative alternative and pressed Paulson on what he thought of the idea. House Republicans felt trapped—squeezed by Treasury, House Democrats and a bipartisan coalition in the Senate. And while McCain spoke surprisingly little after asking for the meeting, he conceded that it appeared there were not the votes for the core Paulson plan without major changes.

Way to hand over the government to the Dems you pack of morons. Stop begging and tell the Dems and the banks to kiss your ass. You're killing McCain's chances and all but ensuring Obama gets elected.

4. Alcee Hastings Strikes Again. If a WHITE REPUBLICAN had said this, there'd be hell to pay. Race baiting Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Idiotville) said, "If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," said Hastings. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."

Okay, that's all I can stomach today. I could talk about the Russians cuddling up with Venezuela and whatnot but I just can't take any more bad news.

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