Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My New Year's Resolutions

Here's a list of crap I hope to accomplish when this suck ass year ends. I'll even actually attempt to accomplish most, if not, all of them.

  1. Stop Being a Doormat. Yes, I'm too nice to people which explains the deadbeat ex-husbands and lying-ass landlords. Starting tomorrow, unless you are friends, a significant other, and/or family, you can kiss my ass. I'll just assume you're lying to me so that if you aren't, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Lose Some of My Fat Self. I'm topping the scales out at 143 pounds now, up from a svelte 125 from Spring. I'm not even digging the big hooties any more 'cause they just make my back hurt. Goal is to get down to say, 130 or so.
  3. Get Into My Job. Sure, it can be downright boring but I do get paid well.
  4. Start my MPH program. That would be a Master's in Public Health which I start on Monday. This is so I can parlay what I now do into a job in the health law arena.
  5. Find New Hobbies. Time for me to start doing stuff I've always wanted to do. Like travel and maybe a cooking class or wine tasting.
  6. Start a budget. Don't laugh. I mean it.
  7. Be a better parent. This includes homeschooling both of my offspring.

1 comment:

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

Cooking is teh awesome! Nothing more satisfying than taking a handful of ingredients and turning it into a meal.