Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday's What the Hamster.

Yes, yes, it's been awhile. Anyway, it's been a slow news week. Here's some of the more "interesting" stories of the last week.

1. Seem Like a Good Idea at the Time...A would-be-bride was swept to sea in Oregon after her boyfriend decided to take her to a rock to propose. I guess a simple, "Will you marry me?" over dinner was too boring.

2. Brother Can You Spare a Dime? Obama supporters are paying the price for the election of their idol. They are now being asked to pick up the $7.5 million tab of Hilary Clinton's failed presidential campaign before her confirmation hearings begin. They're even having a "debt retirement party," hosted by that chick from Ugly Betty. Why doesn't she just ask Congress for a bailout?

3. Discrimination in the Salvation Army. I did not know that if you're an "officer" in the Salvation Army, you can only marry another officer. Apparently that is the case as Capt. Johnny Harsh (not making that up) is being tossed out of the service because he intends to marry a non-SA member. Jeez, talk about some hardasses.

4. Achmed the Lego Terrorist. Showing that people can find insult in anything, Muslims and some non-Muslims (aka "idiots") are upset over a Lego ripoff character called the White Bandit who comes compete with a bomb-belt. Tacky? Yes. Enough to spark riots in the streets? Probably. I wonder if the maker plans on a Burka Betty figure to go along with Bandit. Oh and the quote of the day comes from the spokesman for the Ramadhan Foundation, who said it is, "glorifying terrorism." Yeah, that's it. It's the TOY'S fault.

5. Dems to Obama: Step Up. Forgetting that he isn't president yet, some Democrats think that President-elect Obama needs to just take power now and get it over with. Barney Frank, Dirtbag from MA, says, "He's going to have to be more assertive than he's been. At a time of great crisis with mortgage foreclosures and autos, he says we only have one president at a time," Frank said. "I'm afraid that overstates the number of presidents we have. He's got to remedy that situation." Nice insult, douchebag, considering your boyfriend help create the crisis.

Frank also scoffed at the idea that they can work with the GOP after Obama is anointed. "Having lived with this very right wing Republican group that runs the House most of the time, the notion of trying to deal with them as if we could be post-partisan gives me post-partisan depression." Hahahaha. What a card.

"The Obama team has to step up," Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and one of the lead negotiators, said Nov. 21 in Hartford, Conn. "In the minds of the people, this is the Obama administration. I don't think we can wait until January 20."

I'm sorry, Chris, but this is not the Obama Administration regardless of what the half-educated moonbats who elected him think. Obama is not the President and will not be the President until January 20. Period. End of story.

So we have a party that simply wants to seize power using the economic crisis as an where have I seen that before....

1 comment:

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

I wonder if the maker plans on a Burka Betty figure to go along with Bandit.

They are having trouble getting the proportions right. Its tough making her appear as a child-bride. As for the esteemed Barney likes-to-chew-on Frank(s), a lttle goes a long way, and Screwtape and company are rubbing their hands in anticipation of getting him in their passionate embrace.