Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday's What the Hamster?

Well other than Chicago corruption, an auto bailout and finding bones that may belong to Caylee Anthony, it's been a slow news week. Speaking of which:

1. For Sale: 1 Senate Seat, Slightly Used. Corruption in Chicago? Say it ain't so, Joe. Corruption is to Chicago is like clam chowder is to Boston. The Illinois governor and his trailer park wife decided to make some cash off of the seat formerly held by Barack Obama. Unfortunately, he was being monitored by the feds. Makes you wonder how Obama got that seat to begin with.

2. Brother Can You Spare a Dime, Part II. Since the government has bailed everyone else, the big 3 automakers decided to ask for their share. The House said, "Sure, get in line." The Senate said, "Go screw yourself." Ever get the idea that the Senate is the older, smarter big brother while the House is the slightly retarded younger brother?

3. Dem Bones. Unfortunately for uber-mom of the year candidate, Casey Anthony, it would appear she did not do a good enough job hiding the body of her 2 year old daughter. A meter reader stumbled upon the skeletal remains of a small child in a plastic bag not too far from her parents house. DNA results are pending but that would be like one in a million coincidence. What kind of sick bitch stuffs her baby into a plastic bag and just dumps her in the woods?

4. OU is going to the Big Game. I can't go 'cause tickets are $580 each. EACH. What the hamster? That's more than my car payment.

5. Creepy Story of the Week. What is up with Asians and robot girlfriends? I'm sorry but that's just damn bizarre. Some software engineer who is 33 and still lives with his parents built himself a girl robot. Here are some disturbing excerpts:

Aiko is still a virgin, AND NO I do not sleep with her," he writes on the Project Aiko Web site, though he admits that she "has sensors in her body including her private parts, and yes even down there."

Uh, okay.


Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

Unfortunately, Our Idiot Prez may still ball the UAW out.

The Robot Story? I am so taking that to the Hostages.

KurtP said...

If he's a virgin, how does he *know* about everything that's not....ummm,,,,in the technical drawing?