Friday, May 23, 2008

Okay, One More Post Before I Split

Is Clinton really that stupid? Seriously? Is there anything in her head resembling a brain? She invokes RFK's assassination as justification for her not doing the....oh....I don't know....GRACIOUS thing and bail out of the race? This woman has a law degree and hoodwinked us for 8 years on her and her husband's antics and she now can't open her trap without saying something incredibly stupid. Makes you wonder who was running the White House from 1992-2000.

If she wants to invoke some historical event, how about the Challenger or Columbia disasters to describe her campaign? The Hindenburg maybe?

Senator Clinton, stop embarrassing yourself and just quit. Obamamessiah has the nomination sewn up. Let us concentrate on digging the skeletons out of his closet for awhile. Otherwise, you're starting to sound like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich.

1 comment:

Deadman said...

Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?

Have a good time and don't forget to bring us back some presents.

Just no Robert the Doll, please...we have enough bad luck with this campaign already.