Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oil Prices

The price of a barrel of oil is now $135. Am I the only one who genuinely hopes the entire industry collapses like it did in the early 80's? There's free market and then there's flat out thievery. Personally, I think OPEC is trying to crush the US economy, not because of greed but because it's made up of a bunch of anti-American dictatorships.

The members of OPEC are:

Saudi Arabia

Nine of those states are Muslim countries while the rest are run by thugs. Essentially it's the mob and we're at their mercy. These aren't even the largest producers of oil, by the way. 6 of the top ten producers aren't even members of OPEC, including Russia (No. 2), the US (No. 3), Mexico (No. 5), China (No. 6), Canada (No. 7), and Norway (No. 10).

The US is the largest consumer of oil in the world. We consume 2 1/2 times more than we produce. I'm not saying everyone needs to go buy a Prius but it's time to start looking at what we can do to cut back on our dependency. Pretty soon, none of us will be able to drive anywhere if gas is $6/gallon. Sorry but I'm tired of being at the mercy of a bunch of countries that hate our collective guts.


Deadman said...

I'm tired of being at the mercy of a bunch of countries that hate our collective guts.

Me too.

You're right - buying a Prius isn't the amswer. Why should the onus be pout on the American driver?

Modifying oiur driving habits is a short-sighted answer the problem is EVERYTHING goes up because it takes fuel to deliver goods and services.

I'm in a position to be able to add in a percentage on bids to offset my gas use for the business, but the danger is I may lose work with higher bids. And that doesn't help with the rest of our daily costs.

Not only is the issue with OPEC but also with unethical oil companies. I don't begrudge someone making a profit, but they are over the top.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

2 thoughts.

1. Glenn Beck was talking to Ben Stein this morning. Ben had dinner with a bunch of energy traders in Houston last night. They were trying to give him a song and dance about demand. He pointed out that there had been a 25% spike in 30 days. That ain't demand. Its speculation. I was wondering house it could be demand. I mean, our competitor for the oil is supposed to be China. They just lost about 50,000 people and another 30,000 are missing. Did they each take a two year's supply of oil with them when they died?

2. I was looking at the names on the list and it got my irrepressible desire for Empire jonesing again. Time to Annex Mexico and Canada. The Canadians can finally end their eternal quest to differentiate themselves from their southern neighbor, and the Mexican people will finally get an honest government.