Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Somewhere during the crush of travel, and cookouts, and grandma's potato salad, please give a thought to all the Americans who can't enjoy the holiday. You know which ones; all the ones who have taken up residence in the silence of Gardens of Stone because they fell in the cause of our freedom on other shores. And then tomorrow, give some thought to those who, by means of hyperbole and hysterical rhetoric, continue to roundly condemn the efforts being made today to preserve these freedoms from bloody grasp of an insane, but dedicated adversary.

1 comment:

Zoooma said...

Very well said.

In my opinion, Memorial Day shouldn't be about fun at all. Death is quite serious and very, very sad for so many that it affects. The death that Memorial Day is about is related to our freedom and to the preserving of that freedom and attempting to give others a chance to live free from tyranny.

It's not a day to get a good deal at a mattress sale.