Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crazy People

I was talking with one of my co-workers today about my stbx's antics and she said, "I think this is the real _____," which kinda made me pause to think. If this was my spouse's real personality, then he hid it from me for seven freakin' years. That, to me, takes a special kind of crazy.

Seems to me that if you can hid your entire personality from your spouse for the better part of a decade, you either deserve an Academy Award or commitment to the local psychiatric hospital. Granted, he did letter in Drama so maybe he really is that good of an actor. If so, he should head out to Hollywood and make some real bucks. I don't think so though. I think he's genuinely crazier than entire forest of squirrels.

In that case, I've been had. Big time. Hoodwinked. Taken for a ride. This person completely had me fooled and that, my friends, is not a nice feeling to have. I feel like a total idiot. I mean, I know crazy and I totally didn't see this one coming. The one saving grace is that now most everyone we know knows he's crazy and it isn't just me being a bitter hag. It doesn't make me feel better but at least I now know that I'm not the nutty one.


Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

People really scare me sometimes.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone - it happens to us all. Warthog Boy was my "oh hell he really got one over on me" moment. The moment that lasted a few years I'll never get back.

Don't be so hard on yourself.