Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Wednesday WTF?

I saw this, and felt that it was the kind of story that was deserving of WTF? treatment.

I mean, really. If we start testing the ideological purity of an accessory, are we any better than the jihadis? Don't get me wrong. I like Michelle Malkin just fine. She does a great job of sniffing out the left's BS, and exposing it for all to see. However when she starts saying things about a scarf like:
[it] resembled a kiffiyeh, Middle Eastern garb that is "popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos."

Then I start wondering if she's been sharing a sippy cup with Howard Dean and Obama's speechwriters. Really. I don't fear a scarf. Not even if it truly is some jihadi rag, or worn by an actual jihadi. I worry about the head that chooses to be a jihadi. Like members of the DNC and candidates for office with a (D) after their name, they share a distinct disconnect from and disdain for reality. Using a national soapbox to make remarks linking a piece of cloth that has a place and history in western society seems no less foolish. Maybe she should have saved the clout for a burqua.

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