Sunday, May 25, 2008

Looking at the Achilles Heel

Yesterday, I posted a link to the first of "The Loser Letters", a modern take on The Screwtape Letters. Today, I thought I'd post a link to this month's letter, which neatly highlights the weakness in some of atheism's most pernicious slanders against Christianity. Again, I recommend reading the whole thing, but if you are lazy, or short on time or patience, I offer the following excerpts for your consideration:

It’s not like I’m saying He’s wrong, of course! But once again, if You’ll
just let me explain from the point of view of a former Dull, it sounds to
other people like what we Brights are really saying is, “If most of humanity has turned to religion out of fearfulness, then I must be an exceptionally brave and brilliant person to reject that way out.” Well, maybe Voltaire and Baron d’Holbach and Bertrand Russell were just such beasts, and maybe some of You are too (especially that Mr. Dawkins — grrrrr!). But speaking as someone who is not, it seemed to me better to give some sort of other explanation for theotropism —
I mean, something other than the “I’m a universal genius MUHAHAHAHA and I see things that other mere ordinary mortals don’t” kind of explanation. You know, just to avoid this problem of being misconstrued as some unbelievable egomaniac head case or something.


But don’t You see the problem here? The very character of the Judeo-Christian God that has given You such a romp with the adjectives actually turns out a pretty big problem for the Atheist side. The point Everybody’s missing is that this particular god is hard to live with — so hard that the atheist idea of his having been made up just for the supposed “consolation” of it all is just too LOL. Even at his best, he’s not the sort of supernatural easily cuddled up to. As Graham Greene’s fallen whiskey priest puts it in The Power and the Glory, making the point that even god’s “love” is pretty scary stuff, “It set fire to a bush in the desert, didn't it, and smashed open graves and set the dead walking in the dark. Oh, a man like me would run a mile to get away if he felt that love
around.” And a Female human like me, too. That’s how I felt even back then, the few times when I bothered to stop and think about it.


So You see, this very scariness of this Judeo-Christian god is seriously bad for Us — or at least bad for the atheist claim that he was invented by people to make them feel better. Because if the human purpose that keeps calling the Loser into existence is some deep search for comfort — if he is just supposed to be some big cosmic Prozac, or a blankie in the sky — I have to tell you this god is seriously not cutting it for me, and not just for me but for a lot of other people as well.

Now having known a few atheists very well, I can understand if these cuts are
goring some people's oxen. I still think it fertile ground for a civilized
debate on the subject. So how about it? What do you think?

1 comment:

sig94 said...

I liked it, very similar to the Screwtape letters and shows the Atheist Emperor's New Clothes.