Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Looks Like Obama's Got It

Oh joy. I guess he's within 100 delegates of clinching the nomination or something. Clinton is proving to be...well a Clinton in that she's so arrogant she refuses to believe that her own party doesn't want her. She says she's sticking around until June. For what? Is there a DNC BBQ in June she doesn't want to miss?

Unfortunately, I think McCain will get trounced in November and we're stuck with a guy who, in 20 years, couldn't figure out his pastor was a race-baiting bigot. That bodes well, doesn't it? If he can't even figure that out, how is he supposed to protect the country?

1 comment:

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

Well, we will get stuck with the Obamessiah if McCain doesn't decide he'd rather be President than a Senator. It would mean being willing not upset his colleagues daily. I don't see that happening yet.