Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Sad

That I had to give up my other blog because the idiot I'm divorcing went whining to his lawyer like a freakin' 8 year old girl. Jeez. Nothing better to do, huh? You know, like figuring out how you're going to keep your business afloat.

I didn't tell his ex's spouse to Google the old blog then show it to his kid. Who gave him the name of the blog to Google it in the first place? Damn sure wasn't me. I don't talk to those people. Plus, he whined about the comment of proving what I said about him is true (i.e. he's an irresponsible jackass). That had to do with him stiffing our friends on the church service because he couldn't be bothered with it.

He's the one acting the fool and I'm the one paying for it.


Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

His lawyer should have better things to do. Like figure out how he is going to get paid.

Folly said...

He is getting paid. Courtesy of Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.

Anonymous said...

WHAT! You can pay lawyers in liquor?!?!?! Damn! And all this time I've been using kneepads and M.A.C.'s Russian Red. ;-)

Folly said...

That's how his lawyer is getting paid. Or maybe it includes knee pads.