Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 1 of the Messiah's Reign

A Recap of the first real day of work for the Messiah. First, the One decided to close Gitmo. What he's going to do with the 200+ terrorists there who would gladly kill us is unknown. Maybe he's hoping for some mutual respect and dialogue or something. Closing the site "would further the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice," read the draft prepared for the new president's signature. Translation: So we can appease our European friends and Muslim overlords.

Oh and he stiffed some of the White House staff by freezing their pay. That only applies to the ones earning more than $100k. There's 100 White House staff members that earn that. 100. He also scrapped the bill that would have removed the gray wolf from the endangered species list.

Then he had some meetings about war stuff and then a party.

So there you have it. A busy day full of hope and change. Anyone else have this part of The Life of Brian in their head every time we hear about the Messiah?

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