Monday, April 27, 2009


Seriously? How is it that the "media" insists all is well with the economy when me and just about everyone I know is facing homeless due to lack of employment? Are there that many delusional people out there? Is that idiot in the White House so sacred that no one will call bullshit on him? He's a snake oil salesman. A charlatan. A huckster. Yet no one will call him on the carpet.

Where the hell is my hand out, Barry? You throw money at GM, AIG, and the rest like Time Square hookers but the rest of us are getting bent over. There are no jobs. Let me repeat that: THERE ARE NO F*&KING JOBS, Barry. I went to my alma mater's job bulletin board today. It was blank. No jobs posted since March 3.

I have no steady income, no insurance, and two kids plus a menagerie of animals to support. What the hell are people like me supposed to do?

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