Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Pirate Problem

Why are we negotiating with them? There's only one way to handle pirates:


Deadman said...

Arrrrrrr! Shiver me timbers, it's Shrillary Blondebeard and Black Jack Kerry, the scourge of the Seven Seas coming after the Somali Pirates...

Positively comical, these fucktard liberals going on about "options on the table" for dealing with PIRATES.

Maybe we should give them all gift bags and invite them to dinner at the Sort-of-Darkish Brown House.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

I posted about this, but it boils down to every minute that passes in which these pussbags draw breath, and their land base of opperations isn't a smoking hole in the ground, every single US Citizen is less safe, thanks to Lord Zero and his desire to be thought of a chin-stroking intellectual. You never negotiate with terrorists, and you never, ever make our military stand by while the Administration wrings its hands and attempts a dialogue. It encourages the savages and destroys the morale of those charges with protecting this nation and its citizens.