Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fun Facts about Folly

Yeah, it's getting desperate when we go here. Anyway, I posted a comment at another site about me that many people do not know: I have social anxiety. Yep. I hate crowds, public speaking, and most courtrooms. Here's some other fun facts you may not know:

1. Unlike the majority of residents of my state, I have no Indian blood. That I know of. My family was pretty game about climbing onto anything with a crotch but for some reason, Native Americans aren't part of the family tree.

2. My dad was a minor league baseball pitcher. He was called up the majors but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. His buddy decided to commit armed robbery. The buddy went to jail and Dad got sent back down. Personally, I'd beaten the buddy's ass.

3. I have been married as many times as Terry Bradshaw although not TO Terry Bradshaw. However, if he reads blogs, I'm available. I'll even sign a pre-nup.

4. I've never done illegal narcotics. Nope. The one thing my dad WOULD have killed me for.

5. As a kid, I once lived in the projects in Tampa.

6. I have 5 cats. I'm well on my way to becoming the crazy cat lady.

7. My vision is 20/220 in one eye and 20/240 in the other.

8. I am an alumna of the University of Oklahoma. Other OU students/alumni include: James Garner, Ed Harris, Van Heflin, Dennis Weaver, Rance Howard (Ron's dad), Alice Ghostly and Vince Gill.

9. Since I do live in Oklahoma, here's a list of famous people from this state: Gene Autry, Johnny Bench, Mickey Mantle, Anita Bryant, Lon Chaney, Jr. , Chuck Norris, Ron Howard, Jean Kirkpatrick, Dr. Phil, Brad Pitt, Ted Shackelford (his brother is a local vet here), BJ Thomas, and Tony Hillerman. Here's the complete list.

10. I hate martinis.

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