Monday, October 6, 2008

Why Today Sucked

1. The car broke down; and
2. I was served with a Foreclosure Petition whilst I was in the bathtub. (Yes, I used "whilst" in a sentence.)


As many of you know, I own a Jaguar. Like most expensive, pretty things, it doesn't have much more going for it other than looks. Like a supermodel. This thing has been in the shop more than it's been on the road. Today, it wouldn't start as I was taking Junior off to school. I had to have it towed to the dealership. Cost = $92. Turns out the battery was cracked and corroded. Oh but this isn't the battery you buy at Wal-Mart. This is a special, heat-resistant battery (If it's heat-resistant then how did it crack?). Cost = $151 for the battery plus another $120 for labor. That's right, I spent $271 FREAKIN' DOLLARS ON A BATTERY. Argh. However, kudos to my boyfriend who was more than happy to shuttle me around.


I decided to take a bath and yes, I am redneck enough to drink beer whilst (ooooooh, TWICE) bathing. Then, as I'm reading smut and drinking Shiner, my son knocks on the door. Of course, I can't understand a word he's saying 'cause I got the heater going. (There's an image.) I get out of the tub and turn off the heater to here him say there's some guy at the door and he knows my name. Well, of course, I know what that means. That means Mr. Process Server. So I throw a robe on and go to the door. He ask my name and I say yes and he says, "I have some legal papers for you." Gee, thanks.

Then I take said papers back into the tub with me so I can read them whilst ( 3 TIMES!!!) drinking my beer. I, of course, have 20 days to file a response and a response I will file. Oh yes.

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