Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Alive

Yeah, it's been a week. I moved. Again. I hate moving. You'd think I'd be good at it given the bazillion times my parents dragged us all over hell's half acre when I was a kid. The difference being is that, like refugees, we usually left with whatever we could fit in the car. This whole, "Pack all my stuff AND move it," is a tad bit different. Then it took Cox 5 days to hook up the cable and Internet. Still not sure if the phone works.

Anyway, I see Obama paid for a 30 minute indoctrination infomercial. No, I didn't watch it. I generally think that he and his legions of drooling sycophants are nauseating. I truly hope McCain wins because the thought of this Americanized Robert Mugabe running things has me a tad bit scared. I'm not a McCain fan but I respect his service to the nation which is more than his opponent's brief stint as a Senator and community rabble rouser. And what's with the LA Times hiding the Obama tape? Nothing like openly proclaiming your bias.

The Rays lost the World Series thus precluding the coming Apocalypse which would have occurred had yet another team from Tampa won a national title. However, they had a great run and I'm still waiting for the playoff shirt my sister snagged for me when she went to ALCS.

Tomorrow: A Special Election edition of, "What the Hamster?"


Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

Moving. Its like Hell, only there is an ending to it.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...
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